A few options if you're going to stay in and make your own feast...
There recipes are from one of
Chef Steph @ Excalibur's affiliates.
Thanksgiving Loaf1 c. sesame seeds, ground
1/2 c. mild miso
1 c. flax seeds, ground
2 tsp salt
2 c. sunflower seeds, ground
2 apples
6 c. yams
1/2 c. lemon juice
8-10 leaves sage
1 cup yellow squash
1 cup onion
Grind seeds separately and then put into mixing bowl. Add all other ingredients to food processor and mix. Spread onto a teflex sheet and shape into a long, flat loaf (about 1.5" high). Dehydrate for 10-12 hours. Slice and serve.
Cranberry Sauce8 oz cranberries
1/2 c. walnuts
2 oranges
1/2 c. onion
1/2 c. dates
Mix all ingredients in food processor.
Mashed Potatoes1 c. cashews, soaked
1 tsp fresh rosemary
3 c. cauliflower
1 Tbs lemon juice
1 small clove garlic
Blend all ingredients together well.
And for dessert, the
Pumpkin Cheesecake by
Rachel Fracassa that
Dhrumil posted on
We Like It Raw last month.